The Sultan of Spectacle.

The Wizard of Words.

The Lion of Linguistics.

When Henry Bingaman was born, a witch doctor (whom his father had angered) put a curse on him.

"No matter how hard you try to make him normal," the witch doctor proclaimed, "he's going to turn everything he does into a spectacle."

And so, you see, Henry really had no choice but to run away and join the circus... or become a copywriter.

Since the circus wasn't hiring, he started writing.

And while none of that is, strictly and literally "true"...

Here are some facts that are:

Henry has sold more than $350 million worth of products online for some of the world's biggest direct response companies, like Newsmax, The Agora, and Metabolic Living.

He's worked with celebrities, politicians, billionaires, authors, and producers.

His peers have celebrated him as "F-ing brilliant," "definitely one-of-a-kind," and "kind of a smartass if I'm being honest."

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