“Henry is one of those rare birds who can both write great copy at the highest, most competitive level, AND show you HOW he does it.

His copywriting expertise is matched by an in-depth understanding of the all-important, results-generating marketing aspects of direct response.

I recommend him with no qualifications whatsoever, and cannot say enough good things about him.

Every time I listen to him I feel smarter.”

- David Deutsch

“I’m a huge admirer of Henry’s work. So much so, that I asked him to be a guest instructor on one of my Copy Cub Training Calls.

My copy cubs and I were blown away by the information Henry shared.

I myself took 4 pages of notes.

If you ever have an opportunity to learn from this man, grab it!"

- Parris Lampropoulos

“Henry Bingaman is that rare combination of someone who is DOING the work of creating marketing campaigns at the highest level, earning millions with clients… and is incredibly good at TEACHING how he does it.

“His brain is the perfect blend of creative, instinctive, and analytical. Best of all, he’s damn generous and a cool guy.”

- Kevin Rogers

"I've worked with Marcella for over 15 years. In that time, she's created outstanding copy, helped us sell millions of dollars in products, has brought innovative ideas to Money Map Press, and has inspired dozens of writers on our staff as well as contractors.

"But even more... Marcella is one of those unique people that folks just love to work with. She inspires... she brings together... she adds ideas... she motivates."

- Mike Ward, Publisher, Money Map Press

“It is very rare these days to find a writer good enough to beat your control. It is rarer still for that control to keep winning for any good length of time.  Long gone are the days of mailing the same control and getting good results.  Packages fade faster than ever.

So that makes what Marcella Allison has done for our Pectasol Detox Formula even more remarkable.

First she knocked off our long-standing control in 2011.  That’s pretty good.  But what’s staggering is that her package has remained the control the entire time since! That’s 13 years.

We have mailed millions of pieces and generated millions in gross revenue thanks to Marcella’s work.

I strongly recommend Marcella to anyone looking for an exceptional direct response copywriter.”

- Garret Wood, President, Advanced Bionutritionals

"Marcella is an incredibly fierce (and tireless!) advocate, friend, and champion. And definitely not just to me.

EVERYONE I know who knows her well, and who earns her respect, gets this kind of treatment. She is a constant champion for copywriters.

She gives 100% and without expectation. She’s a force to be reckoned with. And someone it absolutely, positively pays to know.

Heck, even if she never introduced you to anyone, she’d find another way to give you value....

So it’s with absolutely zero reservation that I will come out and endorse something she’s doing (and no, there’s no compensation here!)."

- Roy Furr, Copywriter, Breakthrough Marketing Secrets